Rosemary’s stunning debut solo album released in 2004. ORDER NOW>>> You can purchase this Disc from me
Featuring the intimate sounds of the lute, vihuela, theorbo and baroque guitar, <em>rosa</em> contains music from the European courts of Charles V, Phillip II, Elizabeth I, James I, and Louis XIV.
- 1 Fantasia del tercero tono [II] Luys de Narvaez
- 2 Calata ala spagnola ditto terzetti Joan Ambrosio Dalza
- 3 Fantasia del tercero y quarto tono [XII] Luis Milan
- 4 The Right Honourable The Lady Clifton’s Spirit John Dowland
- 5 Tarleton’s Riserrectione John Dowland
- 6 Fantasia de consonancias y redobles del primero y segundo tono [XI] Luis Milan
- 7 Fantasia que contrahaze la harpa en la manera de luduvico Alonso Mudarra
- 8 Fantasia (de una Hodierna Lux de Lupus) Miguel de Fuenllana
- 9 Tant que Vivray y Glosas (Claudin de Sermisy) Miguel de Fuenllana
- 10 Suite in D minor Robert De Visee
Prelude - 11 Allemande
- 12 Courante
- 13 Gavotte
- 14 Sarabande
- 15 Bouree
- 16 Gigue
- 17 Kapsperger Girolamo Kapsperger
- 18 Canario Girolamo Kapsperger
- 19 Espanoletas Gaspar Sanz
- 20 Canarios Gaspar Sanz
- 21 Mr Dowland’s Midnight John Dowland
- 22 Preludium John Dowland
- 23 Rosa John Danyel
Coming Soon
Hodgson is a talented and musical performer and can hold her own with the best of them.
The Lute Society, UK
I hope she will soon have the inclination and the opportunity to record less well known areas of the repertoire.
Monica Hall, Lute News